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The cathedral of a structure that houses thenewlab技术中心足够大,可以建造海军船只。它越过84,000平方英尺,并在支撑由玻璃制成的天花板的钢梁上升至空中70英尺。几代工人实际上是在纽约东河河岸的布鲁克林海军院子上,实际上是在1801年至1966年为美国海军建造了船只和潜艇。
费玛塔(Fermata)首席财务官约翰·惠勒(John Wheeler)说:“从字面上看,这辆车正在帮助为这座建筑提供动力。”“它并没有为所有功能提供动力,而是一部分以帮助降低电力成本。”
But even more important to Fermata’s mission is the software’s vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capabilities, which enable an EV hooked up to a bidirectional charger to go beyond powering the owner’s home or office building and actually return energy to the grid, essentially turning the car’s battery into backup storage that an electricity utility can tap during periods of high demand.
Giving back to the grid
This ability will be crucial in the future to both alleviate stress on the grid and balance out supply and demand, according to energy analysts.
"So let’s say I make an agreement with the utility that, every night between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m., they can stop and start charging my EV whenever they want, as long as I'm fully charged at 6 in the morning, every morning," Britta Gross, managing director of RMI’s Global Carbon Free Mobility Global Program, explained. "This gives a utility the enormous capability to say, for example, ‘I want to stop all these vehicles in my network from charging right now, for the next hour, because demand is high and the wind’s not blowing.’ It’s the ability to take this very large load of electric vehicles, the smartest and most flexible load to ever hit the grid, and put them to use."
这是Fermata将其技术称为“车辆到所有东西”或“ V2X”的地方。它也解释了为什么这家软件公司最终建立了自己的双向电池。这是一个关于双向标准和通信系统的复杂而技术的故事,它使电动汽车和充电器可以互相交谈,但这归结为:自行执行此操作更容易。
"We're not in the charger business. We don't want to be in the charger business," David Slutzky, Fermata’s CEO and founder, told me. "I needed a [bidirectional] charger, and I talked to everybody on the planet that made chargers and spoke English, French or Spanish, and I couldn't convince anybody that V2X is real and imminent. So I ended up finding a small tech startup that was a spinoff from Virginia Tech, just down the road from us. And we entered into an agreement for them to develop a charger for us. Our charger is good enough for these early deployments, and we will continue to make them until better chargers come along."

Fermata Energy的技术在Nissan活动中展出。照片由Fermata Energy提供
第一个具有双向充电能力的批量生产EV,Nissan Leaf, remains the only one available — for the moment. After hitting the market in 2010, Nissan later introduced the Leaf’s V2H charging system in Japan in the wake of the country’s 2011 earthquakes. But Nissan’s V2H system remained a Japan-only technology for the next decade, and being that no one else was producing and selling bidirectional chargers for the U.S., American Leaf drivers have yet to take advantage of the capability.
例如,西班牙的壁箱预计将开始出售其最新的双向家庭充电器Quasar 2, which will have both V2H and V2G capabilities, in North America in the fourth quarter of 2022, the company confirmed in an email.
On the car end of things,Volkswagen曾表示,它的电动汽车将具有双向充电功能,也许是在年底之前。和新的现代IONIQ 5和起亚EV6还将支持该技术。
但是,大个子是Ford 150 Lightning pickup,截至今年春季,这将是美国广泛使用的第一辆车,可以直接与您的房屋电气系统集成。
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration,美国平均电力消耗每天为32千瓦时(千瓦时),尽管它因州而异。最新一代电动电池可以大致容纳60 kWh能源,或者足以为普通美国家庭提供两天的备用功率。据汽车制造商称,凭借其98千瓦时,F-150可以为房屋提供最多三天的供电,或者如果配给电力,则可以长达10天。福特还表示,它计划将来引入智能V2G系统。
Perhaps not uncoincidentally, Fermata was one of five startups chosen by Ford in October to participate in the inaugural cohort of the移动工作室,一个程序密歇根州中央, a new mobility innovation district the automaker is developing.
费马塔最近在资金方面也收到了一些好消息。一月份,私募股权公司凯雷(Carlyle)承诺超过1亿美元的共同资金到能源开发人员NineDot Energy和Fermata.
该公司与Ninedot和Electric Ride aintup建立了现有合作伙伴关系陶醉, and will soon be testing its V2G system in New York City. The initial pilot will include three chargers attached to three Leafs that will supply nearly 50 kWs to the grid managed by electric utility Con Edison, enough to power 50 homes.
This is just one of a number of demonstration and pilot projects that Fermata has partnered on with various fleet owners around the country, including Danville Utilities in Virginia, the city of Boulder, Colorado, the Alliance Center in Denver and Green Mountain Power in Vermont, Wheeler said.
确实,一项2020年的案例研究E Source在Fermata与Danville Utilities和技术公司EIT的示威项目中,其第一个这样的项目发现,Fermata的系统和只有一台电动汽车可以节省EIT每年$ 1,900在水电费中。
最近,在整个夏天,费马塔与气候基础设施初创公司合作Electric Frog Company, which provided a Nissan LEAF for a pilot at the Burrillville Wastewater Treatment Facility in Rhode Island. The project used energy stored in the car’s battery to help offset peak electrical loads at the treatment facility and on the grid itself as part of National Grid’s连接溶解程序。该计划旨在减少同意将其恒温器,太阳能系统或家用电池系统连接到网格的房主的需求费用。该飞行员代表客户拥有的EV首次参加。
该公用事业公司在6月至9月之间,每千瓦时支付300美元的“高峰能源需求事件”。费马塔的技术helped offset peak demand 27 times夏季在伯利尔维尔(Burrillville)总共有57个小时,电力青蛙从国家电网获得了4,200美元的凉爽。
National Grid客户销售和解决方案副总裁John Isberg在一份声明中说:“这些结果有助于我们确信电动汽车可以成为为未来提供干净和弹性电网的可靠合作伙伴。”
Combined public and private sector fleets made up a total of roughly8.14 million vehicles in 2020,舰队领导着电动汽车。在政府方面,从波士顿到西雅图的城市致力于电气化。仅纽约就占30,000拥有和租赁的车辆,所有城市都计划在2040年之前转换为电动汽车。同样,总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)呼吁采用100%的电力联邦舰队,其中包括高达657,000辆汽车,运动型汽车和卡车 - 他开始了,他开始了通过签署12月行政命令这要求所有新的轻型车辆在2027年之前购买为电动,并且所有联邦车辆的收购将在2035年进行电动。和赫兹。
Still, fleets represent only a fraction of the2.76亿辆汽车registered in the U.S. The vast majority of these belong to individuals or families.
Wheeler said Fermata hopes to begin testing its technology in homes toward the end of this year, or perhaps next year. But the company still has a long way to go in terms of commercialization, and how quickly it gets there will depend on the speed of adoption of bidirectional EVs and chargers.
格罗斯说:“在每个当地社区中,您都有公用事业和电网运营商,他们将不得不决定他们重视的网格服务以及他们愿意为这些服务支付的东西,因此它会有所不同。”"And that's where the analysis and evidence out there has been insufficient. You'll see really aggressive analyses that say, ‘This is going to be worth $50 a month for any vehicle plugged into the grid — and implying that this is true nationally.’ Well, the jury's out on that."